The Argentina Memorial


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  • W:MoRiA – Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina (2005)
  • Family Portrait (2004)

This project is dealing basically with the darkest historical period of the Argentine history, the military dictatorships of the 20th century and the war against the own people.

The included projects are entitled – Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina (W:Moria) – and – Family Portrait, which both were realised between Wilfried Agricola de Cologne as their creator, curator and coordinator and the co-curator Raquel Partnoy, herself one of the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who were fighting for their disappeared children and husbands against the totalitary military regime.

While W:Moria is about the “Mothers of Plaza de Mayo” including testimonies of some of the mothers of the disappeared children and husbands and the artistic reflection by young Argentine femal artists, “Family Portrait” is spotlighting the disporadic course of life of the Partnoy Family, particularly the female members Raquel (mother), Alicia (Daughter) and Ruth (granddaughter) who all are – still living and of different age – active in different artistic disciplines.

The protagonists of W:Moria stand exemplarily for all affected mothers and their families and the rising political movement (Monday demonstrations) which made the military rulers resign in the end, while the Family Partnoy and their members stand for countless Jewish families persecuted in Eastern Europe or elsewhere hoping to find their promissed land in Argentina, but hardly settled the persecution continued. “Family Portrait” and its creator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne were given the Mosaica Award on the topic of jews in Diaspora by the York university Toronto (Canada).

In 2010, a fusion between Familyportrait and W:Moria generated “The Argentina Memorial”, devoted to the victims of the “Dirty War” 1976-1983.

In 2019, The Argentina Memorial became corporate part of “The Never More! Memorial” – the commemorative context for the victims of genocides – in the framework of the commemorative platform “The 7 Memorials for Humanity” –

Based on outstanding collections of audio-visual art, it is the meaning of the commemorative platform to sentitize people and change awareness.

The Argentina Memorial
participating artists

Raquel Partnoy , Alicia Partnoy, Ruth Sanabria, Anahi Caceres & Arte UNA Network, Irene Coremberg, Marina Zerbarini, Andamio Contiguo (artists duo) (all Argentine)
Javier José Plano (Argentina), Osvaldo Raúl Ponce (Argentina), Christian Tapies (Argentina), Mariana Radisic Koliren (Argentina),
Male Cernadas (Argentina), Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay), Elisabetzh Ross (Mexico) , Angela Aguayo (USA)